Wooden Boat Plans Australia
In the absence of inspiration for posting an entirely boat-centred article Im offering four photos depicting views over the River Crouch at Hullbridge. They portray the mood at the time. There was a gentle breeze, sufficient to slightly ruffle the surface of the water, but not enough to unduly distort* reflections. Overhead, high in the sky, there were wispy plumes of ice crystals, formed by vapour from passing planes. Moored yachts lay in line to the last of the ebb, except for a handful that were caught in a back-eddy** over nearby shallows. Generally, there was a feeling of tranquility.
I am mystified by the apparent absence of swans, because they flourish at Hullbridge.
*Top photo
**Third photo
Mute Swans
The River Crouch at Hullbridge
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